Tuesday 5 May 2015

Australian CEOs Come Out For Marriage Equality

“Marriage has evolved. We’re asking for the next stage of evolution.”

The introduction of marriage equality could boost productivity, attract overseas talent, and improve company culture, according to a panel of prominent business leaders.

The introduction of marriage equality could boost productivity, attract overseas talent, and improve company culture, according to a panel of prominent business leaders.

Marty Melville / Getty Images

Organised by lobby group Australian Marriage Equality, speakers included Qantas CEO Alan Joyce, Diversity Council CEO Lisa Annese, Carnival Australia CEO Ann Sherry and SBS CEO Michel Ebeid, along with Australia Marriage Equality national director Rodney Croome.

Croome said that if the upcoming referendum in Ireland and Supreme Court decision in the United States decide in favour of marriage equality, Australia will be the only developed, English-speaking nation in the world where same-sex couples cannot marry.

Lane Sainty / BuzzFeed News

"We want all the people who come to work every day to feel equal. To feel that they can contribute equally in the organisation, and in the country," Joyce said.

"So any piece of legislation that still says 'You're different', 'You're second class', 'You don't have the same rights as everybody else', is bad for everybody's position."

"One of the biggest things we can do as a society, as a community, is say 'It's alright to be gay'."

He added that diversity within a company strengthens business strategy, and making LGBT people feel welcome can only be a good thing.

"The broader market supports [marriage equality] and a good company would get behind it."

Michael Ebeid also said supporting marriage equality would benefit businesses by making Australia a more attractive location to work and invest.

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