Monday 30 June 2014

France's Largest Bank Pleads Guilty, Pays $9 Billion Penalty In Sanctions Violations Case

Attorney General Eric Holder said the bank was “conspiring with other entities to deliberately and repeatedly violated longstanding U.S. sanctions against Sudan, Cuba, and Iran.”

Charles Platiau / Reuters / Reuters

BNP Paribas, the largest bank in France, has pled guilty in New York state court to falsifying businesses records and conspiracy, bringing an end to an investigation of the bank's transferring money for Sudan and other countries sanctioned by the U.S. This is the second criminal charge that a large bank, albeit foreign, has pled guilty to this year, part of prosecutors' efforts to show that financial institutions are not "too big to jail."

The total penalty is $9 billion paid to U.S. authorities.

Attorney General Eric Holder said today in a press conference that BNP Paribas was "conspiring with other entities to deliberately and repeatedly violate longstanding U.S. sanctions against Sudan, Cuba, and Iran."

Holder said that BNP had helped transfer more than $500 million for an Iranian energy company, over $1.7 billion in transactions in Cuba, and "many billions" for Sudan while it was under U.S. sanctions for human rights violations. U.S Attorney Preet Bharara, whose Southern District U.S. Attorney Office helped investigate BNP, described the bank's actions as a "tour de fraud." The Justice Department said that BNP was helping sanctioned countries and companies transact in U.S. dollars from from 2004 to 2012.

BNP Paribas "acted as a de facto central bank for the government of Sudan," Deputy Attorney General James Cole said in a press conference. The New York State Department of Financial Services said that BNP Paribas ultimately helped conceal $190 billion worth of transactions, and the Justice Department said the $8.83 billion reflected what was "probably" criminal.

DFS said that BNP would have to suspend its dollar clearing — processing international transactions in dollars through New York — for a year starting in the beginning of 2015. An independent monitor will be appointed to oversee the implementation of the penalties, DFS said.

The months of negotiations over the guilty plea have dragged on BNP's stock price, which has fallen 12% this year to just over €49. Large banks across Europe have been nursing losses from the financial crisis and are still mired in investigations for interest rate and currency market manipulation — Credit Suisse in June estimated that the European banking sector was facing just over $100 billion in litigation costs, nearly doubling a February estimate of $58 billion.

Analysts at Nomura said in a note today before the announcement that a temporary ban on dollar clearing, while hard to game-out precisely, would at worst lead to a "low-mid single digit" percentage point impact on the bank's earnings. While the fine BNP is paying is well above what other European banks have faced, it is also significantly better capitalized than its European peers like UBS, Barclays, or HSBC who have also reached large settlements with U.S. regulators. BNP is €10 billion above its regulatory capital minimum before paying the penalty.

The Justice Department's investigation and push for a large fine raised the ire of several high franking French officials, including the French president Francois Hollande who wrote a letter to President Obama pleading that any penalty for BNP not be "unfair and disproportionate."

$2.24 billion of the nearly $9 billion penalty will be paid to the New York State Department of Financial Services. DFS also said that 13 BNP employees will leave the bank, including its chief operating officer George Chodron de Courcel. BNP said earlier this month that Chodron de Courcel would leave by the end of the month.

The DFS head, Ben Lawsky, has made extracting huge fines, departure of executives, and monitor-enforced changes of behavior for foreign banks with New York charters a hallmark of his just more than three year tenure at the head of the newly-created financial regulatory agency. While a deal was reached specifically to allow BNP Paribas to plead guilty without endangering its existence in the United States, Lawsky was still able to win additional penalties.

"As a civil regulator, we are taking action today not only to penalize the bank, but also expose and sanction individual BNP employees for wrongdoing," Lawsky said in a statement. "In order to deter future offenses, it is important to remember that banks do not commit misconduct – bankers do."

Mike Segar / Reuters

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