Monday 31 March 2014

Silhouette Of Indian Robin Male

Try "M" Key With your keyboard for better view .... Hello there my friends - photographers and artists , I am Deval Jayswal - The Photographer as well as the art director from India... I am back with my another concept and photograph...I am sure you will like my work here we go with some information about how i took the shot and the other information about the newer concept as well as the bird details .... Check this out ..... Information : Type of Photography and art is known as silhouette .... Bird Name : Indian Robin Male Meaning of silhouette : The dark shape and outline of someone or something visible in restricted light against a brighter background. This is the specific shot called silhouette shot of Indian Robin bird(Male) the purpose of the shot is not to take a sharp details of the specific bird..but i wanna focus on the silhouette with the beautifully frammed with this small bird... You can see the deeper depth of field in this picture..that is why we have the all the details of darkness and shadows in this picture... The composition of silhouette is very tuff to get all the details , specific colours and the shadow details with some Bokeh (The japanish word Bokeh means the soften BG with true colours with shallower DOF) effect... That is the real shot without editting ...there is no edited colours added in this picture... If you wanna know more about " silhouette ART " go and meet any fine art student or the master painter...they will tell you the exact definition of silhouette...that what kind of against lights are requeriered for your subject , what kind of shadows we have to feel in the image...painters are the finest artist in the world they work with their brains as well as their brush and colours and the photographers are the only artist with their brains as well as the camara and get the beautiful colours and compose the scene !! Thank you for watching my work :) Have a great and delightful day to all of you !! By Deval Jayswal ..

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